What is PEFC?

The PEFC label, like the FSC label, stands for responsible forest management. 

The PEFC label stands for the sustainable management of forests. This means that:

  • Forests do not disappear: forest owners ensure that the forest area remains the same or increases. This is also good for the climate, because trees and plants absorb CO2.

  • Future generations can also use the forest. Forests are not just made up of trees, so attention is paid to the complete biodiversity of the forest.

  • The rights of local indigenous people and forest workers are respected.

  • Care is taken to ensure that forests continue to provide clean water. (Did you know that 75% of our water comes from the forest? And that forests play a major role in filtering water?)

  • Illegal logging is prevented.


When wood receives a PEFC certificate, it consists of at least 70% wood that comes from sustainably managed forests according to the PEFC guidelines. The percentage does not have to be mentioned here.

When wood is 70% PEFC certified, this means that the wood is mixed and consists of 30% wood that does not have a PEFC certificate. There are strict rules for mixing wood. Sustainable certified wood is not meant to be mixed with controversial wood.